Polymer Engineering Open Day: Partnerships, Innovation and Sustainability - 6/Feb - Azurém Campus
On February 6th, the event called “Polymer Engineering Open Day: Partnerships, Innovation and Sustainability” will take place, which will include:
• Public signature of protocols between UMinho and associated companies for new students in the 1st Year of the Degree in Polymer Engineering;
• Lectures related to the theme of the event (Filipe de Botton, Pedro Paes do Amaral (representing APIP), CEFAMOL (Speaker to be designated), Renato Henriques)
• Exhibition of companies in the Plastics and Molds industrial sector
We count on everyone's participation in this event, which will take the entire day and we hope it will be very relevant for the near future of teaching activities at DEP. Please reserve the date in your calendar.